Applying to the Networked Systems Program:
The deadline to apply for Fall 2024 is January 15, 2024. Please see the Application page for more information. GRE is not required.
A limited number of fellowships, research assistantships, and teaching assistantships are available to new students.
Upcoming Seminars:
During the 2023-2024 academic year, please see the following lists of seminars, some of which are related to networking:
Computer Science (CS): There will CS seminars each Friday 11:00-11:50. A list of seminars is posted on the CS Seminar Series webpage.
Electrical Engineering & Computer Science (EECS): There will be EECS seminars on some (but not all) Fridays 9:15-10:20. A list of seminars is posted on the EECS Seminar Series webpage.
NetSys Seminar Series: 1 seminar quartely, NetSys Seminar Series webpage.
Networked Systems students enrolled in NetSys 295 should also see the NetSys 295 webpage.